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Videos of playlist "PLwnp5gqQQf8u_yVStvuAvs79Iw0b6-XgX"

29:34 / I replaced the entrance chime with a video door phone with a monitor by DIY.

16:39 / Makita's strongest high pressure washer makes the garden beautiful and the cat's delight

8:47 / The overwintered giant cat grass has finally turned into ears of rice!

9:09 / A trouble occurs where the pet door is broken and the cats are trapped!

17:58 / 結婚記念日に突然家に警察が来て猫が逃げ出しました!

14:38 / 猫の脱走対策でわが家が玄関に二重扉を設置しない理由をお話します🐈

20:44 / とあるお寺でご住職から素敵なプレゼントを頂いたので裏庭に‥

18:55 / Nekokichi, a calico cat that runs faster than the wind through the spring meadow

26:16 / 山菜大好き妻に山で叱られたある春の日‥😂【パパは猫達の為に食費を抑えます】

12:53 / I went to Boskici's hometown to look for the harness I lost in the past.

19:30 / 裏庭食材も沢山使って山菜料理フルコースを作ってみた【パパは猫達の為に食費を抑えますpart②】

4:04 / After protecting a giant turtle, a cute animal came out of its shell!

14:48 / Makita's cordless blower vacuum makes cleaning fallen leaves more efficient

4:52 / The new FURminator for small short-haired cats was amazing!

9:55 / The result of using the NEW Furminator on a long-haired large cat was surprising!

11:06 / I was surprised at the germination rate of the giant cat grass seeds!

4:49 / Cats that come to pick you up from the bath

10:06 / ボス吉の腎臓がヤバイ!?血液検査でSDMAの数値が異常に高く再検査の結果に号泣しました😭【猫のIDEXX SDMA検査】

7:14 / 日本中の猫さんがお世話になっている【高知県土佐清水市】からわが家の猫達に素敵な贈り物が届きました🐈✨

18:08 / DIYでマキタ芝刈り機&高圧洗浄機の収納台車制作!【トロ船&水切りトレーを使った室内収納の作り方】