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Videos of playlist "PLuXL6NS58DyxyfVRp7rnguc0Erdd-AR9U"

4:15 / ENG) The kitten hissed for the first time because she was too excited!

2:44 / 褒められてやる気アップな猫がかわいい【今日もせっせと自宅警備】

10:42 / 甘えん坊の犬と朝まで一緒に寝てみたら…(第3弾)

4:38 / A dog with a very cold attitude when you don't want to play

3:39 / ENG) The cat licks the sleeping kitten mercilessly!

2:17 / Big cat Boss-Kichi is so happy to see the autumn leaves with Calico Cat Sister

5:26 / 餅(猫)、食パンと魔合体する The fluffy rice cake cat met a Shokupan Bread

4:15 / ENG) The cat came to see off, but she doesn't like being held!

5:26 / 【柴犬】柴犬男子のモーニングルーティーン おはよう世界。警備隊長の朝練までをご覧くださいと思う柴犬の本気【shibainu】

3:35 / ちょっかいを出す格下に犬パンチをお見舞いしたアラン Great Pyrenees グレートピレニーズ

3:49 / ENG) It's nice to sleep on a fluffy bed after the fight.

5:22 / 魚を捕獲しようとする猫がかわいい

4:58 / 全力でにゃんコプターで遊ぶ短足マンチカンが可愛すぎて笑えちゃう!

1:58 / ジャストサイズの箱で寛ぐねこ。-Maru relaxes in the completely fitted box.-

3:01 / ENG) When the kitten is stroked under the chin, her legs move!

5:15 / 朝起きたら子猫がなにか語りかけて来た

2:29 / Neko-Kichi and Boss-Kichi fell asleep while they were eating cat grass

15:02 / 【ある犬の1日🐕】朝🌞起きてから寝るまで🌙2019年11月One day of a dog

5:48 / A cute thief dog who asks for a toy!

7:22 / お腹を触れとアピールする珍しい猫まりも。