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Videos of playlist "PLivjPDlt6ApSicfrg2FjfPLUk3aG8hUls"

1:41 / Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory | Official Trailer | Disney+

1:27 / Catching Up with the Lion Cubs | Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory on Disney+

1:29 / Striking Footage of Pilot Whales | Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory on Disney+

2:02 / Witness the Majestic Fin Whale | Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory on Disney+

1:57 / Clattering Penguins and Naughty Seals | Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory on Disney+

1:42 / The Largest Gathering of Gigantic Fin Whales EVER FILMED | Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory

1:41 / Tagging Hammerhead Sharks | Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory on Disney+

1:16 / Wildlife with Bertie Gregory: The Big Freeze | National Geographic

10:55 / Wolf Pack Takes on a Polar Bear - Ep. 1 | Wildlife: The Big Freeze

10:42 / Male Polar Bear Fight Club - Ep. 2 | Wildlife: The Big Freeze

10:47 / The Unsung Heroes of the Arctic - Ep. 3 | Wildlife: The Big Freeze

11:00 / The Life of a Baby Polar Bear - Ep. 4 | Wildlife: The Big Freeze

12:25 / The Harp Seal's Race Against Time - Ep. 5 | Wildlife: The Big Freeze

1:06 / Wildlife: Resurrection Island - Series Trailer | National Geographic

9:44 / Fur Seals Overcome Extinction On ‘Resurrection Island’ – Ep. 1 | Wildlife: Resurrection Island

9:07 / Macaroni Penguins Swim, Surf, and Dodge Seals to Survive – Ep. 2 | Wildlife: Resurrection Island

9:00 / Albatrosses' Life-Long Bond Begins With Elaborate Courtship – Ep. 3 | Wildlife: Resurrection Island

9:25 / Go Inside an Antarctic 'City' of 400,000 King Penguins — Ep. 4 | Wildlife: Resurrection Island

9:30 / How Wildlife Overcame South Georgia's Haunting Past — Ep. 5 | Wildlife: Resurrection Island

12:41 / Adventures in Photographing England's Urban Wildlife | Nat Geo Live