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Videos of channel "UCt-1ijH9G4J6Uy6KzDMHwCw", see also playlists

#1 / 40:21 /  263K views /  4 days ago /  もし来世があるならもう一度出会って沢山話しをしよう

#2 / 5:56 /  62K views /  2 months ago /  Some local Ramen on a Sunny Afternoon

#3 / 8:32 /  64K views /  2 months ago /  551 Take away meat buns and gyoza!

#4 / 9:28 /  53K views /  2 months ago /  一年間お任せで髪を切った結果

#5 / 8:36 /  65K views /  3 months ago /  Devouring crabs on the year’s end

#6 / 4:59 /  47K views /  4 months ago /  寝起き一発目に食らうリンゴ飴

#7 / 9:26 /  89K views /  4 months ago /  The Unchanged Home and Mother's Food

#8 / 13:41 /  250K views /  5 months ago /  PM09:00, my breakfast

#9 / 9:36 /  129K views /  7 months ago /  君はコスパ最強の高円寺の定食屋さんを知ってるか?

#10 / 15:03 /  246K views /  7 months ago /  Pork is always delicious, but my fridge is broken

#11 / 15:33 /  79K views /  7 months ago /  晩夏のリアル

#12 / 1:06:56 /  97K views /  7 months ago /  あー、これは愛

#13 / 40:48 /  105K views /  7 months ago /  親友に会いに行く

#14 / 42:34 /  374K views /  9 months ago /  ドカ食って酩酊して気絶して【ボツ動画4選】

#15 / 17:23 /  414K views /  11 months ago /  Devouring Carbohydrates, Blood Sugar Spikes!!

#16 / 19:11 /  123K views /  1 year ago /  それでもビールはイタリアンに合う

#17 / 26:21 /  113K views /  1 year ago /  あの味を思い出して

#18 / 19:03 /  92K views /  1 year ago /  10年後に見たらグッとくるボツVlog集

#19 / 6:11 /  118K views /  1 year ago /  Leave it to the beautician to cut it for me (William Gallagher style)

#20 / 34:21 /  124K views /  1 year ago /  Let’s eat what you like in the morning at least on weekends to reduce stress

#21 / 26:02 /  180K views /  1 year ago /  Feel so good eat rice and drink alcohol on the weekend!

#22 / 16:03 /  174K views /  1 year ago /  Chicken dish recipe to eat 3 times a week (Actually I want to eat 5 times a week)

#23 / 35:51 /  97K views /  1 year ago /  Pink makeup use cosmetics bought at Don Quixote

#24 / 13:15 /  188K views /  1 year ago /  Homemade taste curry rice (No garlic)

#25 / 13:19 /  151K views /  1 year ago /  Don’t worry about Tsukimi burger! I can handle it!

#26 / 6:38 /  121K views /  1 year ago /  Easy and delicious dinner

#27 / 14:04 /  130K views /  1 year ago /  Got edema from the low pressure but let’s get some salt to drive it up!

#28 / 3:20 /  177K views /  1 year ago /  “A person who has used ESP so much that some of bangs have bleached out hair” and I got a makeover

#29 / 11:51 /  224K views /  1 year ago /  If you eat pork salad with lemon dressing, you could avoid heat illness

#30 / 6:12 /  87K views /  1 year ago /  グッズ作りました